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Those Hazy Days as a New Mother!

Oh yes, I remember, the days when I had just become a Nu-Mama.

I was exhausted, frazzled, suffering from insomnia due to the constant waking up to a baby crying every few hours or as they call it "circadian rhythm disorder".

I could not believe the transformation having a child was to my life. In a whizz of making never ending bottles to a seemingly around the clock hungry baby, it was tough! In fact tough was an understatement. I was drained..but at the same time delighted he was here.

This is why Nu-Mama was born. I just thought, how cool would it be to be given a "hospital bag in a box" that I could just throw into my labour ward suitcase or bag, chock full of helpful and practical birth essentials, or a gift for me also, something that would help induce some well-needed sleep? I remember thinking this as I dragged myself into many different shops looking for the essentials I would need, and was so damn tired and heavily pregnant at the time.

This is why created many of the Nu-Mama gift boxes you see on our website. A sleep spray, a mask to cover out the harsh hospital light or even the daylight streaming through the curtains when you have to try to get some shut eye when baby sleeps, a gorgeous hand made aromatherapy soap to perk you up, a facemask. Anything to help you recover from the arduous birth and challenging postpatrum period.

Nu-Mama is about gifting the new life, but also for the mother's self-care which is often overlooked. And of course, we have not forgotten the fathers, as they are an essential part in the creating of this new life and part of our support system. Nu-Mama is a celebration of all of these people.

So take our advice for those Nu-Mama's:

  • Sleep or even rest your eyes when you can. The washing can wait...Put that nice soft satin eye mask on, it makes a difference.

  • Slow on the caffeine, it disrupts restful sleep. Try our herbal teas instead. Lemon and Peppermint for clarity. Coffee in the morning.

  • Take a bath or shower once baby is down for a few hours, use an aromatherapy salts in the bath or lovely soap bar in the shower. Breathe slowly and deeply to inhale the beautiful and relaxing herbs.

  • Spray your pillow with a sleep spray, they help!

  • Treat yourself to a healthy meal and a few squares of chocolate does not hurt if that is your thing.

  • Get out in the fresh air with baby at least once a day. Daylight helps reset the body clock, helps babies too.

xx Love


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